Just days after landing playmaker Mithat Demirel, Besiktas Cola Turka has officially announced the arrival of power forward Michael Wright (202, 25), who signed a one-year deal with the team. He arrives from Alba Berlin and averaged 16.9 points on 62.5% shooting and 8.5 rebounds in 10 ULEB Cup games last season. Wright, a left-handed forward who has been an accomplished scorer in any team he has been, has also played for Hapoel Tel Aviv in Israel, Granada in Spain and Idea Slask in Poland throughout his pro career. He helped the University of Arizona to make it all the way to the NCAA Tournament final in 2001, as well as winning the Polish League with Slask in 2002.
eb.lt:Stambulo „Besiktas“ klubas, kitąmet rungtyniausiantis ULEB taurės turnyre, tęsia sėkmingą komandos formavimą. Naujasis klubo pirkinys — 25 metų 205 cm ūgio krašto puolėjas Michaelis Wrightas. Kontraktas su amerikiečiu pasirašytas vieneriems metams.
M.Wrightas atvyksta iš Berlyno ALBA ekipos. Praėjusiame sezone jis ULEB taurėje pelnydavo 16,9 taško bei atkovodavo 8,5 kamuolio.
Kiariarankis krašto puolėjas buvo visų komandų lyderis, kuriose jam teko žaisti. Per savo karjerą jis atstovavo Tel Avivo „Hapoel“, Granados „CB Granada“ ir Vroclavo „Idea Slask“ komandoms.
Krepšininkas baigė Arizonos universitetą, su kuriuo 2001 metais rungtyniavo NCAA finale. Taip pat amerikietis tapo Lenkijos čempionu 2002 metais su tuometine „Idea Slask“ ekipa.
Stambulo „Besiktas“ komandą šiame tarpsezonyje papildė Tyronas Ellisas, Keremas Tunceri, Rodney Elliotas, Mithatas Demirelis bei strategas Muratas Didinas.
An experienced playmaker switched ULEB Cup teams on Tuesday night, as Besitkas Cola Turka officially announced the arrival of point guard Mithat Demirel, who will with the team next season. Demirel (181, 27) arrives from Alba Berlin and averaged 9.5 points and 2.9 assists in 10 ULEB Cup games last season. He has also played for Mitteldeutscher, Weissenfels, Oyak Renault and Lichterfelde before becoming a full-time member in Alba`s first roster in 2002. Demirel helped Alba to win four German league titles in 1998, 1999, 2002 and 2003, as well as three German Cup trophies between 1999 and 2003. He is also a regular member of the German national team and is expected to play in the upcoming 2005 European Championships held in Serbia and Montenegro.
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